GS Inima renews its image to strengthen its corporate philosophy and values

GS Inima renews its image to strengthen its corporate philosophy and values

The new verbal identity includes two slogans that reflect its position and commitment to water, as a fundamental resource for sustainable development. As another of its bets, the company includes photovoltaic energy as a new line of business.

A renewed image but faithful to the origins is the objective of the new identity of GS Inima. Through its new claims: “The water cycle: our reason for being” and “Guaranteeing the future of water in the present”, GS Inima seeks to symbolize the transformation that the company is undergoing and reinforce its position as a dynamic company, modern and with a vocation for the future. This enhanced brand identity represents who we are and the strong commitment we have to water as a fundamental resource for sustainable development.

The real evolution is in the hands of the team. For this reason, this selection was proposed by the Inima group, who, after days of sharing in different workshops, selected the values ​​that perfectly encompass the spirit of GS Inima.

  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Teamwork

Photovoltaic energy, the new business line of GS Inima

As another of its bets, the company includes photovoltaic energy as a new line of business, symbolizing another starting point of the GS Inima transformation plan. All this as the basis for the path to fulfill the environmental goals within the framework of our 2030 vision, to be a sustainable company in renewable energy and water with an international presence, providing technological innovations to the sector and committed to social and worker welfare. A goal that is part of the foundations of GS Inima.