International Desalination and Reuse Association Recognizes Pioneering Excellence at the 2023 Seville Summit on Water and Climate Change

International Desalination and Reuse Association Recognizes Pioneering Excellence at the 2023 Seville Summit on Water and Climate Change

Boston, 24 October 2023 – The International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA) is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2023 Seville Summit Awards, honoring visionary companies that have shown exceptional commitment and leadership in addressing the critical issues of water and climate change. These awards celebrate innovation, sustainability, and resilience in pursuing a regenerative water economy and a greener, climate-resilient future.

Best Company Complying with ESG Standards Award – Championing Sustainability

  • RecipientAcciona
  • Achievement: Acciona, a forward-thinking company, has exemplified sustainability by pioneering innovation in providing clean and fresh water. Operating with a decarbonization plan, they are setting a new standard for environmentally responsible practices in the industry. Their dedication to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards reflects their commitment to creating a sustainable, equitable, and environmentally friendly water supply for their consumers.

Best Water Positive+ Company Award – Building Urban Water Resiliency
  • RecipientCoxabengoa
  • Achievement: Coxabengoa, a true trailblazer in urban water resiliency by introducing cutting-edge technology and sustainable infrastructure. Their commitment to best practices empowers communities to adapt to climate change, ensuring a regenerative water economy that aligns seamlessly with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6). Their work is a testament to the transformative power of corporate social responsibility.

Most Innovative Utility Award – Pioneering Clean Water Solutions
  • RecipientSaudi Water Partnership Company
  • Achievement: Saudi Water Partnership Company, a dynamic utility, has embraced innovation to secure clean and fresh water for its consumers. Their groundbreaking decarbonization plan is a testament to their dedication to sustainable practices. By pushing the boundaries of technology and eco-friendly solutions, they have set a remarkable standard for the utility sector.

Shannon McCarthy, Executive Director at the International Desalination and Reuse Association, commented, “Those nominated and these award recipients are leading the way in transforming the water and climate change landscape. Their exceptional achievements are an inspiration to us all, proving that responsible, sustainable, and innovative practices can make a positive impact on our world. We celebrate their success and contribution to a greener, more resilient future.”

The IDRA 2023 Seville Summit on Water and Climate Change was a platform for thought leaders, policymakers, and experts to collaborate and share knowledge on addressing pressing challenges in water management and climate change adaptation. This year’s award winners showcased the potential for positive change in these critical areas.

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About IDRA

The International Desalination and Reuse Association, established in 1973, is the point of connection for the global desalination and water reuse community. A non-profit association, IDRA serves members in more than 60 countries and reaches an additional 15 affiliate member organizations, both regional and national. Its membership comprises scientists, developers, off-takers, regulators, end-users, engineers, consultants, media, and researchers from governments, corporations, and academia. The IDRA works to promote water scarcity solutions as an NGO with recognized consultative status by the United Nations ECOSOC, and a member of the UN Water Special Framework for Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the UN FAO Land and Water Division.