Nomination period for the IDRA 2024-26 Term 21 Board of Directors opens on August 5, 2024

Nomination period for the IDRA 2024-26 Term 21 Board of Directors opens on August 5, 2024

The International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA) announces the nomination period for IDRA 2024-2026 Board of Directors Election will open on August 5, 2024 until September 24, 2024


  • Promotion of Nomination: March 1st, 2024
  • Opening of Nomination Period: August 5, 2024
  • Deadline to Nominate: September 24, 2024
  • Voting Opens: September 25, 2024
  • Voting Closes: November 13, 2024
  • Online Ballot Results Certified by Third-Party Ballot Agency and approved by Member and Election Committee: November 13- 23, 2024
  • Results Announced and Posted: November 24, 2024
  • Board Transition: December 12, 2024 – IDRA World Congress, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Nominations:To qualify, candidates must have been active IDRA members since July 1, 2023, to be eligible to stand for election. The IDRA Board is a working board with several standing and special committees. Candidates should have strong industry knowledge, an understanding of IDRA’s mission, Constitution, and Bylaws, and be available to dedicate considerable time to their duties should they be elected. Directors are expected to attend two board meetings annually, actively participate in IDRA’s programs, events, and committees, and undertake special assignments.

Candidate Eligibility:

To be placed on the ballot, candidates must have been:
  1. Selected by the Membership & Elections (M&E) Committee.
  2. Self-nomination is also accepted.
  3. Proposed by letter or petition by at least five Class I and II members or their designated representatives from the same region.
  4. Submit a written request to the M&E Committee to be considered for election and be sponsored by at least Five Class I and II members or their designated representatives.
  5. Candidates must: (a) be prepared to serve the desalination and water reuse community rather than espouse the particular interest of any single entity; (b) maintain confidentiality on the business of the Board, agree to non-compete; (c) avoid prejudiced judgments on specific issues, and (d) have a good standing within the desalination and water industry.

Regional Representation:

Regional Representation has been defined by the proportion of active Class I and II members in good standing in each region. Twenty-one (21) directors may be elected to the Board of Directors, and each region may have at least one and no more than seven. Based on the membership numbers, the regional allocation of Directors for the 2024 election is as follows:

  • Europe: 5
  • Latin American, Caribbean: 1
  • Middle East, Africa: 7
  • North America: 4
  • Pacific Asia: 4
  • Grand Total: 21


Directors are elected by the IDRA Class I and II members through the E-Ballot online voting platform. The Membership and Elections Committee asks that each candidate provide:

  1. A high-resolution photo
  2. Short Biography – Max 150 Words
  3. Brief description of what they intend to contribute to the Association
  4. Signature on Board Governance and Confidentiality Agreement

Ballots will be sent to all active members via E-Ballot on September 25, 2024, to commence voting. IDRA Members will be able to log in and vote electronically. Voting will close on November 13, 2024. Results will then be certified and approved for posting on the IDRA website ( on November 23, 2024. An email bulletin will be sent out announcing the elected directors. The transition of the Board will take place on December 12th, 2024, at the IDRA World Congress 2024 in Abu Dhabi.

From August 5 to September 24, 2024, Members can send nominations to IDRA via with the following subject: Nomination for Term 21 IDRA Board of Directors.

Self-nomination is also accepted and can be sent to