Hundred tonne tank topper lifted to SA Water record

Hundred tonne tank topper lifted to SA Water record

One of the largest crane lifts in SA Water’s history has lifted the lid on the utility’s $4.7 million upgrade of its Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant’s anaerobic digesters, with a 115 tonne steel cover of one of the digesters craned off the structure with the help of a locally-sourced 350 tonne mobile crane.

Anaerobic digesters are large, sealed concrete tanks that heat the solid organic waste from sewage – known as sludge – in an oxygen-free environment, to promote the natural bacterial metabolic processes that break it down, with Bolivar’s standing at 14 metres tall with a capacity of 8.5 million litres.

Port Augusta business MAX Cranes worked together with crews from SA Water and Fulton Hogan to carefully guide the 30-metre-diamater cover on top of a temporary support system during the hour lift, enabling the infrastructure’s safe refurbishment.

SA Water’s General Manager Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said the successful crane lift was the culmination of 12 months of planning.

“Safety was at the forefront of this incredible feat and people might not be aware of the behind-the-scenes planning for the secure operation, which included compaction testing of the ground and an extensive bearing capacity assessment to help protect underground pipes,” Amanda said.

“Eight heavy-duty slings were attached to fixing points pre-welded to the cover, while counterweights were used to stabilise the crane as it lifted our cover off the digester and atop the support structure.

“Our crews will now work on upgrading the cover during the next few months, including reinforcing the roof’s structure, installing a new insulation panelling system and cleaning the digester.”

Constructed in the 1960s, the upgrade of two of Bolivar’s six digesters will improve their performance by enhancing insulation to the covers – ensuring an optimal internal environment for the digestion process.

Ms Lewry said the metabolic processes inside the digesters release a source of renewable energy, biogas.

“Upgrading our digesters enhances their ability to hold waste at a constant 38 degrees and creates an optimal environment for bacteria inside to help prevent the escape of biogas, a product we can reuse,” Amanda said.

“Harnessing the power of biogas through our on-site gas engines creates a source of renewable energy for the treatment plant, which typically provides around 85 per cent of the Bolivar facility’s energy needs.

“Biogas generation is an important part of our approach to energy management and by reducing and reusing waste, we are taking action as proactive environmental leaders to help enable a sustainable future.”

The renewable electricity generated through biogas at the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant is enough to power around 4,000 houses a year.