SUEZ has bought back most of its activities in the hazardous waste sector in France

SUEZ has bought back most of its activities in the hazardous waste sector in France

SUEZ announces the finalization of the acquisition from Veolia of various hazardous waste activities in France. The reintegration of these activities marks the return of SUEZ to this key market for its industrial customers and will accelerate the international development of the Group in this area.

On May 6th, SUEZ announced that it had exercised its right of first approval for the acquisition of the hazardous waste treatment activities concerned by the disposal commitments made by Veolia with the European Commission in terms of competition. Having received the required regulatory approvals, SUEZ has finalized this acquisition today.

It includes the activities in treatment and recovery of hazardous waste in France at every stage of the value chain (collection and preparation, incineration with waste-to-energy recovery, physico-chemical treatment and storage of hazardous waste) for an enterprise value of 690 million euros.

The activity is carried out at around 20 sites spread throughout France, employing nearly 700 highly qualified staff members.

The OCCITANIS (31) storage site, previously operated by Veolia, will also become part of SUEZ and will complement the storage offering in the southern half of France.

With this acquisition, SUEZ is broadening its offering for French customers with a range of unique treatment and recovery solutions for hazardous waste.

Against the backdrop of the accelerated environmental transition, waste-to-energy recovery from hazardous waste contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and creates short cycles in the service of industry.

“The reintegration of the France hazardous waste teams and activities is a source of great satisfaction for all of the Group. By buying back these activities and key skills, we strengthen our offering in France for our industrial customers. At an international scale, the comprehensive business expertise of our teams will support our ambition in this fast-growing market. SUEZ hereby confirms its desire to pursue an offensive development strategy in its core businesses of water and waste” Sabrina Soussan ,Chairman and CEO of SUEZ.