WEG evolves in its CDP Climate Change 2023 assessment

WEG evolves in its CDP Climate Change 2023 assessment

In the 2023 CDP assessment, WEG was recognized for its evolution in the climate change agenda, achieving an A- grade, advancing to the Leadership category.

CDP is the main rating agency on Decarbonization Management for companies and is the information base for other agencies and ESG investment indices, in addition to several clients. The CDP also makes public the level of engagement of companies on various aspects of Climate Change and enables comparisons between companies.

In 2023 we achieved important advances through the WEG Carbon Neutral Program, with goals, structure and governance for the topic, mapped reduction projects, besides to effective emissions reductions.

WEG’s performance demonstrates consistency in its actions and its commitment to decarbonization, advancing practices such as a complete emissions inventory audited by a third party, investments in projects to reduce GHG emissions, increased use of renewable energy in operations, assessment of risks and opportunities, supply chain engagement, as well as a portfolio of products that support its partners on the decarbonization journey.