WEG replaces equipment and boosts energy efficiency in a French energy company

WEG replaces equipment and boosts energy efficiency in a French energy company
  • With this replacement, the customer ensured an increase of 15 to 18% in efficiency

Increasingly, companies are seeking to reduce costs and carbon emissions by improving their operational efficiency. It was with this in mind that WEG, in partnership with Mi2V, a company specializing in industrial maintenance, replaced 13 three-phase asynchronous motors and 13 low-voltage variable frequency drives in a power generation company in France. The main goal of this initiative was to significantly reduce motor failures and energy consumption in an air treatment unit, which is responsible for the air conditioning of an industrial building and the pressurization of clean rooms, preventing the entry of impure air.

The existing motors, after several years of use, presented frequent failures, requiring constant maintenance interventions and resulting in the interruption of machine activities and production. Moreover, the energy efficiency of these motors was lower than the new motors supplied by WEG.

WEG, in collaboration with Mi2V, delivered a complete and customized solution for the customer’s needs:

W22 motor: A robust line of three-phase motors suitable for the use with variable frequency drives (VFDs), providing significant energy savings.

CFW11 VFD: Designed for industrial use and capable of supporting a wide variety of applications due to its high overload capacity, with simplified installation (Plug & Play) and user-friendly human-machine interface (HMI).

By selecting WEG to modernize the equipment, the customer achieved several benefits, such as an energy efficiency increase between 15% and 18%, as well as increased productivity and reduced maintenance costs.

Regardless of customers’ specific needs, WEG, in partnership with qualified companies like Mi2V, offers a complete turnkey solution, demonstrating its expertise and contribution to improving energy efficiency in companies.